Ways to Exercise More At Home

Ways to Exercise More At Home

You’ve probably heard more than once that family caregivers need to exercise more often, but then found yourself wondering just when exactly you were going to fit that into your already-packed day.

The good news is that you can fit exercise into those tiny moments that you didn’t really notice existed.

4 Easy Ways to Exercise More At Home

1. Workout During Commercials

Commercials are a great time to jump up and run to the bathroom, but they’re also a great time to get some extra movement in.

You can walk in place during commercials or you can get more adventurous and do other activities, like jumping jacks or even pushups.

By using those breaks to get some exercise in, you’re able to do things that get your blood flowing and you’re not having to figure out where to fit in a full 30-minute workout.

2. Find Excuses to Walk More

You probably spend a lot of your time figuring out how to be more efficient and how to keep from having to retrace your steps, but retracing your steps a few times can be a good way to get some exercise in.

When you go out to get the mail or when you need something from another room, try making two trips instead of one. That gives you a few more steps in your day without you having to set aside more time.

3. Exercise While Cooking

Cooking is another time when you’re spending a lot of time waiting for things to happen, such as pots to boil or timers to finish.

Try doing some stretches while you’re spending time waiting for things to cook. You might be surprised how much you’re able to do while you’re technically doing something else.

You can also try pushups or jumping jacks again if you really want to get more blood flowing.

4. Keep Free Weights Around the House

When you want to tone your muscles, lifting even smaller weights can help with that goal.

Try keeping free weights around the house or simply put cans of vegetables in locations where you can grab them easily. Then, when you have a few spare minutes, do a few repetitions with the weights or the cans.

Contact Sonas for Home Health Care Services

If you do want to make sure that you have a longer workout, work with your loved one’s senior care providers to set up a schedule that allows you to have that time to yourself while your loved one is still taken care of.

If you or an aging loved one are considering home health care services in Florida, contact the caring staff at Sonas Home Health Care. Call today (888) 592-5855.

Director of Nursing at Sonas Home Health Care

This blog was reviewed by Jillian Miller BSN, RN — Director of Nursing for Sonas Home Health Care’s Tampa Bay market — for clinical accuracy. Jillian Miller has been a nurse for 16 years — working primarily in pediatrics. She believes the best part of working with the pediatric population is when you see smiles from clients when you first enter the room. She loves seeing the difference you can make in families’ lives while providing the best care possible for them.
