Is Home Health Care Right for Your Child?

Does your child need pediatric home health care

As a parent, you have an obligation to provide for your child. In many ways, you wish for them to have a better life than you did, which is why you teach them and give them the tools they need to succeed. But, if your child is born with a condition that holds them back from living a relatively normal life, your entire plan changes, and you’re left trying to figure out new ways to teach and help them and their health. It can be a lot for any parent to handle — especially if your child requires 24/7 monitoring.

Home health care is designed to give you relief from being a parent and caregiver. But, these types of in-home services aren’t viable for every family. How do you know if pediatric home health care is right for your child?

What is home health care?

Home health care services combine nurse-provided care with in-home services to make up pediatric skilled nursing. You’ll be given a nurse — or a team of nurses — who will assist in taking care of your child in the safety and security of your own home. From administering medications and cleaning feeding tubes to playing with your child and making them meals, your pediatric home health care nurse provides the assistance you need to care for your child while gaining back your life.

Before home health, running errands can be a stressful occasion. You either have to find someone you trust to watch your child, or you have to take them with you. But, taking your child with you can pose health risks — especially if your child has a compromised immune system. With home health care, you can run errands, knowing that your child is in safe, familiar, and fully-capable hands.

Which services can home health care provide?

Home health care nurses do more than administer medications to your child. From basic to medically-complex pediatric care, our nurses work with you and your child’s doctor and insurance company to craft a custom home health care plan tailored to their specific needs. In addition, they provide quality care in the comfort of your home so that your child always feels safe and you can limit the back and forth between pediatric offices. Some of the most common services provided through home health care include — but are not limited to:

Commonly Asked Questions

What time are nurses available?

The attention a medically frail child needs can differ from case to case. Some children require 24/7 monitoring, while others simply need assistance with medications and feeding. That’s why home health care nurses are available day or night — whenever you need them. You may have one nurse that provides care during the day while another nurse provides care at night. Or, you may have a team of nurses that take turns checking in on your child during scheduled days.

Will nurses take over the jobs I enjoy — such as reading to my child?

Home health care nurses are meant to provide relief so that you can focus on other things — like your job, errands, or caring for other members of your family. But, that doesn’t mean you have to take a hands-off approach. Your nurse is there to assist you, not take over — unless that’s what you want. So, you can cuddle, read, and love on your child as much as you would if your nurse wasn’t there. And, while you do that, they can prepare medications or clean medical instruments.

Can a home health care nurse attend school with my child?

Some children can live relatively normal lives despite their condition, and this includes attending school with other children their age. But, they may require special attention — at least at a young age — to ensure they can eat properly and don’t accidentally remove their g/j-tube. This is where a home health care nurse can help. They can attend school with your child to provide medical assistance and help transport your child onto and off of the school bus.

5 Reasons Home Health Care May Be Right for Your Child

Ultimately, the decision for whether pediatric skilled nursing is right for your family comes down to your needs. That’s why the most common reasons it’s the best decision is because:

  1. Home health care gives you more time to spend with your whole family.
  2. Home health care lets you sleep throughout the night.
  3. Home health care allows you to continue working to provide for your family.
  4. Home health care nurses become new additions to your family — providing the same level of love and care to your child that you do.
  5. Home health care services make your life easier.

Contact Sonas for Home Health Care in Florida

It can be hard to balance your time between work, home, and caring for a child. That’s why our team of skilled professionals at Sonas Home Health are here to help.

Our home care services offer support in the comfort of your home. We hire loving and competent nurses to provide customized care for families — from a few hours a day to around-the-clock supervision. Contact us directly to speak with a home health care professional or request a free in-home assessment. Together we can determine the best plan of action to keep your loved ones happy and healthy.

If you or a loved one are considering Pediatric Home Health Care Services in Florida, contact the caring staff at Sonas Home Health Care. Call today at (888) 592-5855.

Director of Nursing at Sonas Home Health Care

This blog was reviewed by Jillian Miller BSN, RN — Director of Nursing for Sonas Home Health Care’s Tampa Bay market — for clinical accuracy. Jillian Miller has been a nurse for 16 years — working primarily in pediatrics. She believes the best part of working with the pediatric population is when you see smiles from clients when you first enter the room. She loves seeing the difference you can make in families’ lives while providing the best care possible for them.
