

If your child has been coughing lately, you may have concerns about the common cold. However, if that cough sounds worse by the day, it’s possible that the cause is croup.

While it’s common for children to acquire croup, it’s essential to learn how to recognize symptoms to provide adequate treatment and avoid complications.

What is Croup?

Croup is an infection of the upper respiratory system. It’s caused by a virus that makes the windpipe and bronchial tubes swell. As a result, the patient has a rough cough that is often referred to as a “barking cough”. Although it can happen in adults, it happens most often in children, since they have smaller airways.

Types of Croup

There are two types of croup:

Viral croup. This is the most common type of croup. It starts out as a common cold, then it develops into a barking cough that is the telltale sign of a croup infection.

Spasmodic croup. This type of croup is not caused by infection. It’s triggered by allergic reactions and comes on suddenly.

Causes of Croup

Viral croup is caused by the parainfluenza virus, which is spread by germs in the air from coughing or sneezing, or close personal contact with someone who’s infected. These germs can survive on surfaces for several days.

Spasmodic croup is caused by allergic reactions, and often runs in families.

Symptoms of Croup

Croup often begins as a common cold. If there is enough inflammation and coughing, a child will develop:

  • A loud barking cough that’s further aggravated by crying and coughing, as well as anxiety and agitation, setting up a cycle of worsening signs and symptoms
  • Hoarse voice
  • Labored or noisy breathing
  • Wheezing sound when taking a deep breath
  • Fever
  • Crying or agitation that triggers coughing fits
  • Eye redness

These symptoms often worsen at night, interrupting sleep.

Croup Diagnosis

Croup is typically diagnosed by a doctor. He/she will:

  • Observe your child’s breathing
  • Listen to your child’s chest with a stethoscope
  • Examine your child’s throat

Sometimes X-rays or other tests are used to rule out other possible illnesses.

Croup Treatment

Treatment mostly consists of home remedies (as described below) and over-the-counter medication as instructed by a pediatrician.

Can croup go away on its own?

Yes, croup can heal on its own if the infection is mild. It normally takes between three and five days. However, if the symptoms worsen as the days go by, don’t wait the full five days. See a doctor to avoid any complications.

Medications for Croup

If your child’s symptoms persist beyond three to five days or worsen, your child’s doctor may prescribe these medications:

  • A type of steroid (glucocorticoid) may be given to reduce inflammation in the airway. Benefits will typically be felt within a few hours. A single dose of dexamethasone is usually recommended because of its long-lasting effects.
  • Epinephrine is also effective in reducing airway inflammation and may be given in an inhaled form – using a nebulizer for more severe symptoms. It’s fast acting, but its effects wear off quickly. Your child will likely need to be observed in the emergency room for several hours before going home, to determine if a second dose is needed.

Croup Home Remedies

Most cases of croup are treated at home.

  1. Use a humidifier to make breathing easier.
  2. Give your child plenty of fluids.
  3. Let your child rest and take lots of naps.
  4. When your child is sleeping, prop their head with an extra pillow.
  5. Keep your child calm. Any agitation may cause a coughing fit which can irritate swollen windpipes.

Complications of Croup

Complications of croup are rare. However, pay close attention to how the virus is affecting your child as bacteria in the trachea (also known as the windpipe) can severely restrict breathing.

When to See a Doctor for Croup

If your child’s cough hasn’t improved within five days, seek medical attention as soon as possible. See a doctor sooner if the infection is causing breathing problems, or if your child develops a bluish tint to the skin around their nose or mouth.

Croup Prevention

Prevention tips for keeping croup at bay are the same as for the common cold and influenza:

  • Teach your child to cough and sneeze into the crook of their elbow. Coughing or sneezing into their hands will guarantee spreading germs to others.
  • Teach your child to wash their hands frequently: after using the bathroom, after playing outside, before eating, when coming home from daycare or school.
  • If your child is sick, keep them out of daycare or school. If a classmate is sick and still attending school, keep your child home.
  • Keep your child’s vaccinations current.

Need Home Care for Croup? Contact Sonas

At Sonas Home Health Care, we offer compassionate pediatric care.

If you are considering pediatric home health care services in Florida, contact the caring staff at Sonas Home Health Care. Call today (888) 592-5855.

Director of Nursing at Sonas Home Health Care

This blog was reviewed by Jillian Miller BSN, RN — Director of Nursing for Sonas Home Health Care’s Tampa Bay market — for clinical accuracy. Jillian Miller has been a nurse for 16 years — working primarily in pediatrics. She believes the best part of working with the pediatric population is when you see smiles from clients when you first enter the room. She loves seeing the difference you can make in families’ lives while providing the best care possible for them.
