
Pediatric Care

Edward’s Syndrome (Trisomy 18)

One of the worst news a parent can receive is that their child has been diagnosed with a serious medical condition. You need time to assimilate the information, deal with the overwhelming sense of worry, and try to figure out the best way to move forward. Such is the case with Edward’s syndrome. Not only…

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Edward's Syndrome (Trisomy 18)

Tracheostomy Procedures

When you’re seeking medical advice, the last thing you need is for your doctor to start talking about conditions and surgeries that sound like a foreign language. This can add to the stress and sense of helplessness — especially if the patient is your child. Such can be the case with tracheostomies and tracheotomies. What…

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Tracheostomy Procedure

Are Antibiotics Safe for Children?

At some point in most people’s lives, there comes a time when a doctor prescribes antibiotics. In those instances, it’s just a matter of following the physician’s instructions, remembering to take them at the specified times, and finishing the entire prescription — even when you start to feel better. But when it comes to children, it’s…

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Are Antibiotics Safe for Children

Hydrocephalus Treatment: ETV vs Shunt

If your child has been diagnosed with hydrocephalus, you may be feeling overwhelmed and out of sorts about how to proceed. What does the ailment mean? What can you expect from the condition? What are some of the signs and symptoms? What are the best forms of treatment? And, what are the main differences between…

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Hydrocephalus Treatment: ETV vs Shunt

Caring for a Child with Hydrocephalus

If your child has been diagnosed with a serious health condition, you understand the feeling of having your world turned upside down. You try to come to terms with this new reality, while at the same time trying to understand complex medical terms, and looking for ways to provide the best form of treatment. You…

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Caring for Child with Hydrocephalus

Juvenile Idiopathic Arthritis: Causes, Symptoms, & Treatment

Finding out your child has been diagnosed with a medical condition can feel overwhelming. As a parent or guardian, you want to do everything in your power to make sure your kids are healthy and happy. And now you have to learn new medical terms and figure out a course of action — how to…

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Juvenile Idiopathic Arthritis: Causes, Symptoms, & Treatment

Preemie vs Micro-Preemie

Finding out you’re pregnant comes with many emotions. Whether it’s a surprise or planned, you soon become emotionally attached to the well-being of your baby. You plan on how to decorate their room, make a list of names, and imagine what life will be like once your little one arrives. But, what happens if your…

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Preemie vs Micro-Preemie

How to Help a Child During and After a Seizure

There are fewer things in life that are as heartbreaking as finding out your child has a medical condition. It can be equally disconcerting and frightening if they haven’t been diagnosed with anything, but they’ve recently had a seizure and you’re scrambling trying to find out what caused it. What, exactly, are seizures? Why do…

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How to Help a Child During and After a Seizure

Thalassemia: Symptoms, Causes, & Treatment

Hearing that your child has been diagnosed with a serious medical condition brings along many feelings — overwhelm, denial, anger, confusion. You may be wondering how to move forward. What’s the best form of treatment? Even if the ailment sounds somewhat familiar (such as is often the case with inherited disorders like thalassemia) you may…

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Thalassemia: Symptoms, Causes, & Treatment
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