
Pediatric Care

Caring for a Child with Spinal Muscular Atrophy

If your child has been diagnosed with spinal muscular atrophy, you may still be trying to process the information and what it all means, while at the same time looking for ways of making your baby’s life as comfortable as possible. Are there any things they will be able to do for themselves? What type…

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Caring for a Child with Spinal Muscular Atrophy

Dehydration in Children

Having kids at home comes with many givens — the noise, the mess, the extra doses of love. Unfortunately, it also includes worrisome moments when your babies don’t feel well. While you will always move heaven and earth to make things better for them, if you’re not sure what’s making them feel off, the experience…

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Dehydration in Children

Sinusitis in Children

It’s common knowledge that children get sick. Whether it’s a cold, an ear infection, or a tummy ache, going through these experiences is part and parcel of childhood — and parenting. But, that doesn’t change the fact that any time your little one feels under the weather, you want to do everything under the sun to…

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sinusitis in children

What is Nonverbal Autism?

One of the worst experiences a parent can go through is to receive a dire diagnosis regarding the health of their child. However, not all lifelong issues are the same. While some of them mean that your child will need 24/7 caregiving, others will still allow them a modicum of independence. And, when it comes…

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Guttate Psoriasis in Children

Receiving a medical diagnosis of a disease is always disconcerting — and it feels a lot worse when the patient is your child. However, certain conditions are more manageable than others, and such is the case with guttate psoriasis. But, what does it entail? What causes it? What are the symptoms? And what can you…

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Guttate Psoriasis in Children

Pediatric Meningitis

One of the most concerning experiences a parent goes through is realizing that your child’s health may be compromised. Maybe your kids are crying more than usual, complaining about pain, or you can just tell something is amiss. And when it comes to something as serious as pediatric meningitis, it’s crucial to move fast. But,…

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Pediatric Meningitis

What Can a Child With Acid Reflux Eat?

Children can be fussy and picky eaters. But it’s one thing when they’re doing it because they’re being, well, kids. It’s another thing when they’re upset or refusing food because they’re not feeling well. Such can be the case with acid reflux. But, what causes it in children in the first place? Are there any trigger foods…

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What Can a Child With Acid Reflux Eat

Fun Holiday Activities for Medically Complex Children

Being a parent or a child’s primary caregiver can be difficult, exhausting, and rewarding, all at the same time. You’re responsible for someone else’s wellbeing — quite often, learning things as you go along. And, if you have a medically complex child, you regularly face challenges relating to your child’s health. However, at the end of…

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5 Fun Holiday Activities for Medically Complex Children

Pulmonary Stenosis in Children

It’s always disheartening to hear a medical diagnosis affecting a child. And the concern and worry increase when the condition affects a vital organ — such as is the case with pulmonary stenosis. But, what does it all mean? What causes it? What are the symptoms? All of these questions need to be answered before…

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Pulmonary Stenosis in Children

Loss of Appetite in Children

Kids are interesting characters. One day their favorite snacks are bananas. The next day, they cry when you give them one because they don’t like them. So you take it away to find something else to give them, and they get upset because you took away the fruit. While scenarios like this are part and…

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Loss of Appetite in Children
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