
Pediatric Care

5 St. Patrick’s Day Crafts for Kids

Keeping your kids entertained can sometimes feel like a challenge. They may want to go play outside when the weather is not ideal, or have their friends come over during times of COVID. And while saying no may feel like a practical decision, that doesn’t change the fact that children need to be able to do engaging…

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5 St. Patrick’s Day Crafts for Kids

How to Help a Child with Seasonal Allergies

As the parent or caregiver of a child, you want to make sure your little one is always as healthy and comfortable as possible. Even something relatively minor — such as seasonal allergies — can be disruptive of their everyday routine. But, when, exactly, are seasonal allergies most likely to affect a child? What are the…

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How to Help a Child with Seasonal Allergies

Epilepsy in Children

Finding out you’re going to be a parent is life-changing. Some people panic. Others experience pure joy when the pregnancy is confirmed. Some do both. But, if there’s one common denominator, it’s that everyone wants their child to be born with good health. So when the OB-GYN confirms the baby’s development is coming along beautifully,…

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Epilepsy in Children

Mitochondrial Disease

If you remember your biology class from school, you know that the mitochondria are the powerhouse of the cell. That’s because the mitochondria create energy to power your body. But, you don’t have to be an expert in biology to know when you feel low in energy. Is it from lack of sleep? Are you…

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mitochondrial disease

Nutrition for Children with Chronic Kidney Disease

Anyone who’s a parent or legal guardian of a child can attest to the fact that they become your life. You love them. You do everything for them. Your heart melts any time they do something cute — and breaks every time they are going through hardship. Such is the case with chronic kidney disease. You…

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Nutrition for Children with Chronic Kidney Disease

How to Help Children Use a Wheelchair

Your child is your world. You want to do everything to make their life as happy as possible. So if they’ve been diagnosed with a debilitating condition — or if they’ve been involved in an accident — and now require a wheelchair, you may be wondering what can you do to help them. What can you…

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How to Help Children Use a Wheelchair

Best Low-Impact, Joint-Friendly Exercises for Children

When you have a child, you want to move heaven and earth to make their lives as comfortable as possible. One of the best ways to do so is to instill in them the importance of regular, consistent exercise from a young age. This habit has a long list of benefits — such as promoting good…

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Best Low-Impact Joint-Friendly Exercises for Children

Hypoglycemia in Children

If you have a child, you’re aware that kids can be picky eaters. One day they love rice pudding. The next day they hate it. Sometimes, they are looking forward to dinner. Other times you have to bribe them — or take away their favorite toy — until they eat something. But fussiness about food aside, if…

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Hypoglycemia in Children

Pediatric Malabsorption Syndrome

If you’re a parent or caregiver of a child, you’re well aware of the knot that forms in your throat — and the heaviness in the pit of your stomach — when your baby is showing signs that something is wrong with their health. You wonder about symptoms, whether you’re overreacting, and when it’s time to…

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Pediatric Malabsorption Syndrome

Pediatric Respiratory Failure

One of the scariest experiences for any parent is to see their child have breathing difficulties. While the experience can be terrifying, sometimes it can take a while to recognize signs of pediatric respiratory failure. What are the symptoms? What can you do to provide your child with the best treatment? And, what causes it…

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pediatric respiratory failure
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