
Pediatric Care


Being a parent involves running around after your kids. They grow up too fast and want to touch, grab, and pull on everything. And, while it can be exasperating, it also highlights their health and their ability to move their bodies. However, when a child has quadriplegia, things completely change. All of a sudden, they…

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Heatstroke & Heat Exhaustion in Kids

If you’ve lived in Florida long enough, you’re aware that the heat and humidity can sometimes feel oppressive. This is not limited to the summer months, either. Thanks to our quasi-tropical location, temperatures can be high for most of the year. Yet, it is these same weather conditions that make the Sunshine State a popular…

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Heatstroke & Heat Exhaustion in Kids

Polycystic Kidney Disease in Children

Finding out your child has been diagnosed with a serious medical condition is one of the most heartbreaking moments a parent can experience. The feelings of helplessness increase when the illness could result in life-threatening complications. Such is the case with polycystic kidney disease. But, what exactly is it? What are the signs and symptoms?…

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Polycystic Kidney Disease

Pediatric Colostomy: How to Provide Care at Home

One of the worst news a parent can receive is a serious medical diagnosis regarding their child. You wonder why this could be happening. You want to learn as much as you can about it to provide your baby with the best care possible. You want everyone in your household to become as familiarized as…

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Pediatric Colostomy: How to Provide Care at Home

Ventilator Maintenance Checklist

If a loved one has developed a respiratory condition, you’re well aware of the helplessness and confusion that comes along with it. These feelings can quickly develop into despair if they suffer from complications that require artificial ventilation to help them breathe. But, what exactly is a ventilator? How does it work? And how can…

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ventilator maintenance checklist

What is a Pediatric Ventilator Nurse?

If you’re a healthcare professional — or interested in a career in nursing — you’re well aware that there are many different branches in the profession. Some provide you with the training and skill set required to diagnose healthcare conditions and design treatment plans. Others are more focused on ensuring patient comfort.  But, what is…

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Bronchiolitis: Causes, Symptoms, & Treatment

If your child has been having breathing difficulties, you’re likely wondering what’s causing them — and how you can prevent it from happening again. Things can get even more confusing if it all started as a common cold, but has now snowballed into something more serious. Such can be the case with bronchiolitis. But, what exactly…

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Bronchitis in Children

As a parent or guardian of a child, it can feel overwhelming if your little one is having breathing difficulties. If you’re noticing unusual signs and symptoms, you may be wondering what you can do to resolve them. How do you know if it’s bronchitis? And if it is, what’s the best form of treatment?…

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bronchitis in children

Glue Ear in Children

It’s common knowledge that children sometimes get ear infections. This is due to their ear canal being small and still in development. However, this doesn’t mean that it gets any easier to see your baby in pain. And when you hear unfamiliar terms around whatever may be ailing their little ears, things can get even…

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Glue Ear in Children

Vitamin D Deficiency in Children

It’s common knowledge that we all need vitamins and minerals. They convert food into energy, repair cell damage, and boost the immune system, to name a few benefits. It’s also widely known that the best sources of vitamins include fruits, vegetables, and sunshine. But beyond that basic knowledge, there’s a lot of information about how…

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Vitamin D Deficiency in Children
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