
Pediatric Care

Arthrogryposis Multiplex Congenita (AMC)

Finding out your child is diagnosed with any medical condition is disheartening. You have to deal with shock, disbelief, and anger. You then have to familiarize yourself with what it all means — and how it will affect the life of your baby and family. Things can feel even more frightening if the ailment is…

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Arthrogryposis in Children

Respiratory Distress Syndrome in Newborns

While the typical timeline for a baby to be born is around nine months, some children are born early — or prematurely. Some premature babies are born perfectly healthy, but others may have some issues at birth. That’s because being born prematurely can restrict their ability to fully develop in the womb. This is what happens when…

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Respiratory Distress Syndrome in Newborns

SMA Type 1 Werdnig Hoffmann Disease

Caring for a child can feel like a full-time job. You feed them, bathe them, help them grow, and teach them right from wrong. But, if your child has spinal muscular atrophy (SMA), then you face a whole new set of challenges. While about 11,000 children are born with SMA in the US each year,…

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SMA Type 1 Werdnig Hoffmann Disease

Hyperlordosis in Children

Your spine is the backbone of your mobility — literally. That’s because your spine allows you to bend, twist, and stretch daily. But, when your spine is abnormally curved in the lower back, it’s known as hyperlordosis. In severe cases, this curve can cause pain and restrict certain activities. Not only is this frustrating, but…

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Hyperlordosis in Children

Appendicitis in Children

Children and stomach aches often go hand in hand. Whether they’ve eaten too many sweets or are feeling under the weather, it’s likely that their initial complaints of stomach pain don’t raise much of a flag. But, if their stomach pain spreads, becomes severe, or is paired with other symptoms, it’s crucial that you seek…

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Appendicitis in Children

Caring for a Child With Appendicitis

At some point in your life, you’ve probably heard of a family member, friend, or friend of a friend who has had appendicitis. That’s because it’s a condition that affects 80,000 children each year, and 50% of children have a family history of the condition. In fact, it’s the most common reason children need emergency…

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Caring for a Child With Appendicitis

Myotonic Muscular Dystrophy in Children

Muscular dystrophy is a condition that causes muscle weakness and atrophy — the breakdown of muscles. Watching a loved one gradually lose their muscle strength is heartbreaking, especially when the condition is happening to a child. It can make you feel helpless and wonder why it’s happening. But, there are things you can do to…

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Myotonic Muscular Dystrophy in Children

Kawasaki Disease in Children

If you’ve ever had a sunburn, then you know that peeling skin is part of the healing process. But, when you see that your child’s skin is peeling without having been in the sun, it can be alarming, to say the least. Peeling skin is one of the signs of Kawasaki disease — a rare…

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Kawasaki Disease in Children

Leukemia in Children

When you’re raising a child, there are a few challenges you expect to encounter — sleepless nights, tantrums, and picky diets. But, what you can’t anticipate is a cancer diagnosis. Leukemia impacts more than 3,500 children a year, but it’s difficult to imagine that your child could be one of them. What causes leukemia? How…

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Leukemia in Children

Caring for a Child With Leukemia

Cancer can be an intimidating word. You want the best for your loved ones, so when that particular c-word comes from your pediatrician, it can leave you feeling gutted. But, it’s important to understand that a cancer diagnosis — like leukemia — isn’t the end of your child’s journey. It’s just a new chapter. Your…

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Caring for a Child With Leukemia
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