
Pediatric Care

Birth Defects in Children

To help you navigate this difficult topic, we have created an overview of birth defects in children and provided answers to some of the most common questions. What are birth defects? A birth defect is a condition that affects the structural changes present at birth that can affect almost any part or parts of the…

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Birth Defects in Children

Fetal Alcohol Syndrome (FAS)

When it comes to pregnancy, there are things that are outside of the mother’s control, such as certain congenital conditions. However, there are instances when the mother’s choices during pregnancy have a direct, harmful effect on the child. This is the case with Fetal Alcohol Syndrome. What is Fetal Alcohol Syndrome? Fetal Alcohol Syndrome (FAS)…

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Fetal Alcohol Syndrome

Spina Bifida in Babies

Learning your child has a health issue is scary. It can be even more disturbing if you’re not familiar with the condition. However, learning as much as possible about your baby’s health is one way to feel some sense of control in the situation. Spina Bifida (SB) is a birth defect that occurs when the…

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Spina Bifida in Babies

What Is an Intellectual Disability?

When a loved one is diagnosed with a medical condition, an avalanche of questions rushes through your mind. What does the diagnosis mean? How do we treat it? How will it affect the patient’s life? What can we do to make it better? While the term “intellectual disability” may sound self-explanatory to some, the reality…

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Intellectual Disability

Oxygen Therapy for Children and Infants

Some of the worst news a parent can get is a medical diagnosis for their children. With that, the need for oxygen therapy can be worrisome. However, keep in mind that sometimes, oxygen therapy is only needed temporarily. It’s also good to know that it is relatively easy to administer oxygen therapy. Since conditions and…

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Oxygen Therapy for Children and Infants

Asthma in Children

Being a parent is most the most rewarding and one of the scariest relationships a person could have. The love you feel for your child is all-encompassing and indescribable. If something affects their health, you feel like you’re the one who can’t breathe. Feeling like you can’t get enough oxygen into your lungs is what…

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Asthma in Children

How to Communicate with a Nonverbal Autistic Child

Having a child comes with a very wide range of emotions: from overwhelming love, to constant worry about their wellbeing and overall health and happiness. When a child is diagnosed as nonverbal, the list of things to worry about increase exponentially: How do you know if your child needs anything? Is he or she feeling…

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How to Communicate with a Nonverbal Child

The Difference Between Childhood Asthma and Adult-Onset Asthma

If you have an aging loved one with asthma, you may know a lot about this lung disease already. You might already know that it is characterized by inflammation of the lungs, and is an overreaction by the body to stimuli that irritate the lungs, such as allergens in the air. You and your home…

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Difference Between Childhood Asthma and Adult-Onset Asthma

What is a Preemie?

Finding out you’re having a baby is life changing. No matter how much you read about the subject or talk with your friends who are already parents, nothing really prepares you for it. And regardless of whether the news was met with shock or joy, the reality is that the kind of love a parent…

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Premature Birth

Developmental Delay in Children

Regardless of whether you’re a first-time parent or have been around the rodeo a few times, you probably have a general idea of a timeframe for when your baby should be hitting certain developmental milestones. You know that at some point, your baby will make eye contact with you, or turn over by themselves and follow…

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Developmental Delay in Children
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