
Pediatric Care

Diabetes in Children

Childhood is often full of picky eating, playing with friends, and learning. As a parent, you want your child to live a normal and healthy life. But sometimes, their genetics, environment, lifestyle, or unknown factors can impact their health. This is sometimes the case with diabetes. So, how do you know if your child has…

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Diabetes in Children

Caring for a Child with Diabetes

Diabetes affects millions of people each year – from children to the elderly. Monitoring sugar levels, pricking fingers, and administering insulin shots, are just some of the many lifestyle changes that impact your loved one’s life. When your loved one is a child, it can be extra challenging to ensure their blood sugar levels remain…

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Caring for Child with Diabetes

Types of Seizures in Children

Since their birth, you’ve vowed to do everything you can for your child. You ensure they’re happy, well-fed, and growing. You teach them how to crawl, walk, and use the big boy potty. But, if your child suffers from seizures, you likely feel helpless. It’s a confusing time and — once you’ve gotten your child the…

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Types of Seizures in Children

Encephalitis in Children

Vaccinations prevent a variety of diseases including measles, mumps, and rubella, but did you know that vaccinations can also prevent conditions that occur along with those diseases? One of the most common conditions is encephalitis. Encephalitis is an inflammation of the brain. But even children who have received vaccinations can get encephalitis. So, what causes…

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Encephalitis in Children

What is Duchenne’s Muscular Dystrophy (DMD)?

Standing, walking, running, and eating, all these things are typically seen as normal, everyday activities. But if your child has Duchenne’s muscular dystrophy — or DMD — then these movements are often impossible for them to do on their own. That’s because DMD is a disease that makes muscles weaker and less flexible over time….

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Duchenne's Muscular Dystrophy

Pediatric Strokes

Being a parent — or any adult who’s the main provider for a child — comes with many beautiful moments with your little one. It also comes with a lot of stress; especially if your child is ill. And when you hear the words pediatric stroke, it’s understandable to agonize over what it all means…

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Pediatric Strokes

Jejunostomy (J-Tube)

It’s easy to take things for granted when someone is in perfect health. But for someone who must have a Jejunostomy tube (J-tube), even simple activities, such as swimming, walking, playing may become challenging, if not impossible. However, all these activities can be accomplished with the right care. What is a Jejunostomy tube? Jejunostomy tube…

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Jejunostomy J Tube

Difficulty Swallowing (Pediatric Dysphagia)

Any parent with a picky eater knows how challenging mealtime can be. What if the cause isn’t related to the type of food you’re serving, but your child’s ability to swallow and intake food? If your child experiences coughing, choking, lengthy feeding times (greater than 30 minutes), or other related problems during meals, they may be…

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pediatric dysphagia

Obstructive Sleep Apnea in Children

As children grow and develop, they must receive the recommended hours of sleep. How long they sleep can impact everything from their attentiveness to general mood, but what happens when their ability to sleep is out of your control? What causes sleep apnea in kids? For some children, their nights consist of a restless sleep…

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Obstructive Sleep Apnea in Children

Caring for a Child with Spina Bifida

Spina Bifida (SB) begins during early pregnancy and occurs when the spine and spinal cord don’t form properly. With proper exercise and care during their newborn, infant and, toddler phases—and depending on the severity of your child’s SB—your child can still reach their full potential. Caring for Your Child at Home It’s important that children with…

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Caring For A Child With Spina Bifida
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