
Pediatric Care

Caring for a Child with Fragile X Syndrome

Being the parent and/or caregiver of a child with a serious medical condition comes with a long list of worries — how did it happen? What’s the best kind of treatment? How can you ensure your child has the best possible care and a relatively normal life? Fragile X syndrome (FXS) is one of those…

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Caring for a Child with Fragile X Syndrome

Fragile X Syndrome

Being a parent is hard work. But, finding out your child has a medical condition increases the struggle tenfold. First, there’s shock. Then, your mind starts reeling with so many questions. What does it mean? How did it happen? What does treatment involve? How will this affect my child? Such is the case with rare…

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Fragile X Syndrome

Cystic Fibrosis (CF)

Most people take breathing for granted. It’s something that’s done automatically, and it’s practically not thought about — until someone has difficulties bringing air into their lungs. Such is the case with cystic fibrosis. Getting a diagnosis can be terrifying, but with proper management and lifestyle changes, you can have as normal a life as…

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Cystic Fibrosis

Lennox-Gastaut Syndrome (LGS)

As a parent, you do whatever needs to get done to ensure your child’s welfare — a loving home, food, and a safe environment. But no matter how hard you try, some things may be out of your control — such as when you receive a medical diagnosis. The experience can feel even more overwhelming…

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Lennox-Gastaut Syndrome

Pediatric Home Care Tips for Ventilator Dependent Children

Finding out your child needs a ventilator to breathe properly is crushing. Here’s your little baby — regardless of age, they’re always your baby — requiring assistance to do one of the most vital functions. So when it’s time to take your little one home, you may be wondering how to make sure everything goes smoothly. Do…

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Pediatric Home Care Tips for Ventilator Dependent Children

CPAP Therapy 

One of the most important things a person can do on a regular basis to be well-rested and alert is to get a good night’s sleep. Yet, in many instances, it can be easier said than done. Small children, insomnia, stress at work, and financial worries can all play a role in keeping you up…

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CPAP Therapy

Abdominal Compartment Syndrome (ACS) in Children

Children are often known for their care-free attitudes and carelessness – resulting in bumps, bruises, scrapes, and other injuries. While minor boo-boos can be turned into little life lessons, major accidents that result in swelling and bleeding — specifically in the abdomen — can lead to more life-threatening conditions like abdominal compartment syndrome (ACS). What…

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abdominal compartment syndrome in children

G-Tube Care and Maintenance: Caring for Your Child’s G-Tube

Parenthood is one of the toughest jobs you’ll ever experience. The hours can be long, the monetary pay is nonexistent, and your clients have a ton of needs – yet despite all of that, parenthood is worth it. The look your child gives you as you hold them, the way they curl up in your…

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G-Tube Care and Maintenance

Caring for a Child with Cystic Fibrosis (CF)

Receiving any kind of diagnosis that affects your child’s vital organs can be devastating. Such is the case with cystic fibrosis. The condition has no cure and makes breathing more difficult, so it can make caring for a child feel challenging – and sometimes overwhelming. In order to learn how to best care for a…

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Caring for a Child with Cystic Fibrosis

Tracheostomy Care for Children

Taking care of a child is often an overwhelming, thankless, and trying experience. Yet, it’s still done every single day by parents and caregivers who couldn’t imagine life without their little ones. And when the child requires long-term medical care, everything becomes even more complicated. If your child’s pediatrician has recently ordered a tracheostomy surgery,…

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Tracheostomy Care for Children
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