
Pediatric Care

Misophonia in Children

The sound of chips breaking between your teeth, the crinkle of paper, and the whoosh of air as your AC kicks on and off… these sounds can become a normal occurrence around your home — to the point you barely even notice them. But, for a child with misophonia, they can be the focus on…

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Pediatric Misophonia

Is Home Health Care Right for Your Child?

As a parent, you have an obligation to provide for your child. In many ways, you wish for them to have a better life than you did, which is why you teach them and give them the tools they need to succeed. But, if your child is born with a condition that holds them back…

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Does your child need pediatric home health care

Insomnia in Children

Most adults are well-acquainted with the occasional bout of insomnia — and some deal with it on a regular basis. This can be due to the stresses of everyday life or worrying about work, family, or finances. But, when it happens in children, it may seem unusual. And, if your child has recurring sleepless nights,…

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Insomnia in Children

IBS in Children

Finding out your child has been diagnosed with a medical condition can feel overwhelming. After all, you’d move heaven and earth to make sure they’re comfortable and lead a happy life. And, when the condition is chronic — such as irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) — you may be wondering what you can do so that…

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IBS in children

Caring for an Immunocompromised Child During COVID-19

2020 will be a year we all remember. What started as a new decade rife with possibilities turned out to be a time of uncertainty, an interminable quarantine, and a lot of concerns about our collective health. The worry and anxiety are substantially higher in families with an immunocompromised child. If this is you, you…

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Caring for an Immunocompromised Child During COVID-19

Pediatric Lupus

Every medical diagnosis comes with a little bit of heartbreak. Sometimes it’s minor — other times it’s massive. And, when it involves your child, you want to move heaven and earth to make things better. Such is the case with pediatric lupus. What are the symptoms? What caused it? How is it treated? And, what…

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Pediatric Lupus

Angelman Syndrome

Whenever anyone is diagnosed with a serious health condition, it’s common to feel helpless, overwhelmed, and frightened. And, when that diagnosis involves your child, it can feel like grief. Why is this happening? What caused it? And what’s the best way to treat the illness? Such is the case with Angelman syndrome (AS). While rare,…

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Angelman Syndrome

What is Pediatric Skilled Nursing?

Is Skilled Pediatric Care Best for Your Child? When your child suffers from a chronic condition — whether minor or debilitating — you do everything in your power to provide quality care and give them the best life possible. While caring for your child is your number one priority, the reality is that you have…

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What is Pediatric Skilled Nursing

Rett Syndrome

From the moment they’re born, you’re obsessed with teaching and watching your baby grow. Whether it’s taking their first steps or learning how to communicate, it can be exciting to see their progress. But, if your child suddenly seems to be regressing in their development, it can be alarming. What is causing the regression? Can…

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Rett Syndrome

Caring for a Child With Autism

When you first meet your child, you can’t help but think that there is nothing more perfect in the world. You instantly fall in love, and you’ll do everything in your power to protect your baby. This concept only grows as they get older and begin learning the skills they need to develop. But sometimes,…

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Caring for a Child With Autism
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