
Pediatric Care

Acute Kidney Failure: Causes, Risk Factors, Treatment, & More

Your kidneys are two of the most important organs in your body. They filter out waste products from your blood and keep your blood’s chemical makeup in check. But, your kidneys can lose their ability to filter waste. This can lead to an accumulation of toxins that leads to further issues. When this happens in…

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Acute Kidney Failure

Hypoxia vs Hypoxemia

As you breathe, your respiratory system carries air through your nose or mouth into your lungs — where the air is separated from its carbon dioxide — and the oxygen gets distributed into your bloodstream where it can reach your cell tissues. The carbon dioxide is exhaled, and the oxygen powers your organs. But, what…

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Hypoxia vs Hypoxemia

Acute vs Chronic Respiratory Failure

Your respiratory system is the part of your body that allows you to breathe. It includes your nose, mouth, throat, windpipe, lungs — among other organs. When working properly, your respiratory system allows you to breathe in oxygen through your nose or mouth and exhale carbon dioxide. But, if your system isn’t functioning properly, it…

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Acute vs Chronic Respiratory Failure

Hypoxia: Symptoms, Causes, Treatments, & More

Have you ever seen a child run so fast that they seem out of breath? Maybe they’re chasing you in the front yard, or they’re running from their sibling in an intense game of tag. When they finally come to a stop, you can hear them gasping for breath between giggles. This is a common…

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Costello Syndrome

When you finally meet your newborn for the first time, it can feel magical. They are so innocent and full of potential. You think about all the exciting and scary moments that are to come, but more than anything, you just wonder at their beauty. As you look at their fresh face, you notice that…

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Costello Syndrome

Synesthesia in Children

It is proven that when someone loses one of their five senses, their other senses become slightly heightened. The brain reprograms and creates what is called supersenses. But, did you know that some people are born with the ability to experience multiple senses at once? This is called synesthesia, and it can be a blessing and…

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Synesthesia in Children


For eight months, your child grows, develops, and becomes the newborn you eventually meet. During that time, they’re developing toes, skin, and all the essential organs needed to function. It’s an unbelievable and truly amazing process that lays the foundation for their life. While some pregnancies go without a hitch, there are some rare instances…

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Russell Silver Syndrome

It can be extremely exciting to see the growth of your child and their progress as they get older. Most families mark this development somewhere in their home — with pencil marks on a door frame showing the difference in height from one year to the next. It can be something to look forward to…

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Russell Silver Syndrome

Vertigo in Children

If your child has been recently diagnosed with a medical condition — or if they are not feeling well enough to cause concern — you are likely feeling overwhelmed and anxious. This is especially the case when the condition is not as well-known as other ailments. In addition to being scared, you have to decipher…

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Vertigo in Children

Caring for a Child with Laryngomalacia

The trachea (windpipe) allows for your child to breathe. In some conditions — like tracheomalacia — it can underdevelop before birth, resulting in a weak or damaged windpipe. But, the trachea isn’t the only part of the throat that can cause breathing difficulties. The larynx can also play a major role. The larynx is your…

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Caring for a Child with Laryngomalacia
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