
Pediatric Care

Developmental Assessment

When it comes to taking care of your child, you want to make sure you do as much as possible — provide them with a good quality of life, safeguard their health, and show them a lot of love. And, while some things are popularly known as things you do as a regular part of…

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Developmental Assessment

When Should My Child Get a Flu Shot?

At some point or another, most people have had experience with the flu. The fever, body aches, congestion, and fatigue are miserable. You feel like you have no energy to get anything done, so in addition to feeling unwell, it’s extremely disruptive of your daily routine. Therefore, when it comes to the possibility of it…

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When Should My Child Get a Flu Shot

Pediatric Tonsillitis

If your child has been complaining lately about discomfort in their mouth — or being fussier than usual — you may be concerned about its root cause. In fact, anything that causes them to experience pain can become a cause for alarm when it becomes consistent, and you can’t figure out what it is. Such…

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Pediatric Tonsillitis

Exercises for Children With Limited Mobility

If your child’s health or life circumstances prevent them from having full mobility, you may be wondering how to encourage as active a lifestyle as possible. After all, regular exercise promotes good cardiovascular health as well as allows children to interact with peers as they play or do other fun activities. But is it really…

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Exercises for Children With Limited Mobility

Ear Infections in Children

Having kids comes with certain joys — such as when they say their first words, take their first steps, or do something that absolutely melts your heart. But it also comes with a lot of responsibilities and sleepless nights — especially if your child is suffering from an ear infection. Why, exactly, do they happen?…

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Ear Infections in Children

Tracheostomy Removal

Finding out that your child needs a tracheostomy comes along with many worries — what can you expect during surgery, how do you change the ties, clean it, and learn about feeding methods? But, as time goes along, it starts to become second nature. You’ve learned how to do it all with the utmost care, and your…

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Tracheostomy Removal

Laryngoscopy vs Bronchoscopy

Children bring a love of joy — as well as chaos — to any parent’s life. And, while carting them around to school, playdates, and sporting events can be stressful and time-consuming, chances are they also bring a lot of good moments to your family. Yet, the good comes with the bad, and when your…

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Laryngoscopy vs Bronchoscopy

How to Avoid Pediatric Asthma Triggers

If your child has been diagnosed with asthma, you are well aware of the constant worry that comes with trying to foresee and avoid possible triggers. And, while there are many things you can do throughout your own home — such as installing HEPA air filters, cleaning more often, and installing a dehumidifier — not…

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Pediatric Asthma: How to Avoid Triggers

Caring for a Child with Pneumonia

If your child has been having respiratory issues, you may be understandably concerned about what it all could mean. With so many health ailments that affect the lungs and airways — such as bronchitis, asthma, or the common cold, to name a few — it may become overwhelming trying to figure out what’s causing the…

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Caring for a Child with Pneumonia

12 Healthy Snacks for Diabetic Children

Diabetes is a prevalent health condition in the United States. By 2018, more than 10% of the population had been diagnosed with it — and it is estimated that more than seven million have not been diagnosed. When it comes to children, about 210,000 people under the age of 20 have been diagnosed. This includes both Type…

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Healthy Snacks for Diabetic Children
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