
Pediatric Care

Bacterial Endocarditis in Children

Although relatively rare, heart conditions caused by infection, including bacterial endocarditis, are very serious when they do occur. Bacterial endocarditis in children is often treatable through antibiotics, or in some cases surgery, but there are specialized care needs in the immediate and long-term recovery period. Understanding the potential complications and treatment options can help ensure…

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Bacterial Endocarditis in Children

Caring for a Child with Sickle Cell Disease

Sickle cell disease is a general term for a group of blood disorders, including sickle cell anemia, that affects the body’s ability to create healthy red blood cells. The disease gets its name because the red blood cells of people affected tend to have a sickle shape compared to the normal round shape. Sickle cell…

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Caring for a Child with Sickle Cell Disease

Sickle Cell Anemia in Children

Sickle cell anemia is a condition that belongs to a broader group of disorders known as sickle cell disease. With sickle cell disease, normally round red blood cells take on a crescent moon or sickle shape. This shape can inhibit healthy blood flow, resulting in decreased delivery of oxygen and nutrients to the body. Children…

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Sickle Cell Anemia in Children

How to Treat and Care for Eczema in Children

No parent wants to see their child experience the discomfort that comes from the rashes and itching of an eczema flare-up. These symptoms can negatively impact playtime, learning, sleep, and eating for your little one. To achieve the best possible health after an eczema diagnosis, you should be proactive in treating and caring for your…

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How to Treat and Care for Eczema in Children

Eczema in Children

Although the dry, itchy skin and rashes that come with eczema can be uncomfortable for children, parents are very often relieved to find this condition is very manageable with care. While there isn’t currently a cure for eczema, and flare-ups can occur periodically, children who develop this condition generally have a positive long-term outlook. To…

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Eczema in Children

Arnold-Chiari Malformation in Children

Birth defects that affect the brain and spinal cord are among the most challenging and difficult conditions any parent can encounter. The terms and conditions you hear may be scary and confusing, but it’s ultimately about helping your little one have the best possible outcome no matter what. If your child has been diagnosed with…

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Arnold-Chiari Malformation in Children

Alagille Syndrome in Children

Alagille syndrome is a relatively rare genetic disorder that affects the liver as well as the heart, lungs, and other areas. Estimates for the frequency of Alagille syndrome vary from one in every 70,000 infants to as high as one in every 30,000 due to underdiagnosis. Children and other patients with Alagille syndrome usually have abnormal bile…

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Alagille Syndrome in Children

Rheumatic Heart Disease in Children

Any heart-related diagnosis for a small child is a scary and challenging time for the entire family. This is especially the case for relatively rare conditions like rheumatic heart disease. Rheumatic heart disease in children is a preventable yet serious condition that affects the heart health of millions of children around the world. In most…

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Rheumatic Heart Disease in Children

Scabies in Children

The good news about scabies is that despite the discomfort and itching this condition causes, it is highly treatable, and the symptoms usually pass in a relatively short period of time. While no parent wants their child to come down with scabies, the truth is that anyone can develop it due to its very transmissible…

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Scabies in Children

Pericarditis in Children

Since we love our children with all of our hearts, everyone always wants their children to have a healthy, happy, and beating heart. When conditions develop that affect a child’s heart health, such as pediatric pericarditis, it can be one of the scariest experiences you can encounter. It’s natural to want as much information about…

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Pericarditis in Children
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