
Nursing Care

Nursing Equipment & Tools

Nurses are superheroes to their patients. And, just like Batman, they have a toolbelt full of equipment and tools that make their job easier. While some tools and equipment may be obvious, others help behind the scenes. So, what are the most important? And, how do they help you do your job? 10 Essential Equipment…

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Nursing Equipment & Tools

Why Do Nurses Quit Their Jobs?

If you’re working as a nurse, then you see firsthand that there is a nursing shortage — both nationally and worldwide. While this shortage has been long in coming as the population of people needing care exceeds those that are in the workforce, another problem arises: nurses are beginning to leave the field of their own…

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Why Nurses Quit

Nurse Burnout Prevention

Nurses are known for doing everything in their power to care for others — even if it means neglecting themselves. But, this can be detrimental to your health and can also lead to burnout. That’s because caring for others can drain your physical, social, and mental energy. And, when you remain drained over a long…

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Nurse Burnout Prevention

How to Work Night Shift and Stay Healthy

As a nurse, you have many options for what shift you want to work and for how long. While some nurses work three 12-hour days, others may work five 8-hour days. And, what about day vs night shifts? While working the graveyard shift may not seem like a good idea, it actually has many benefits….

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How to Work Night Shift and Stay Healthy

Day Shift vs Night Shift Nursing

Nursing provides flexibility that a lot of other careers don’t. You can work as little as three days per week or as many as seven. Typically, there is a trade-off to working fewer days. For instance, nurses who work three days are likely working 12-16 hour shifts. But, having the option to choose your own…

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day shift vs night shift nursing

Self-Care for Nurses

Nurses are some of the most selfless and caring professionals. So much so that 70% of nurses report putting their patients’ health above their own. That’s because many nurses go into the field with a strong desire to help people. But, long work hours, difficult patients, and a lack of resources can have any strong-willed nurse feeling…

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self care for nurses

Nursing Myths

Whether you’re considering nursing as a career, looking for your first nursing job, or you’re a parent looking to hire a home health care nurse, you likely already have an idea in your head of what being a nurse means. But, how do you know if everything you think about nurses is actually true? As…

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Nursing Myths

Time Management Tips for Nurses

When your day involves caring for others, sometimes it can feel like there are just not enough hours in the day. And, if you have trouble managing what little time you do have, that feeling will only get worse. From cleaning and administering medication to your patients to playtime and having adventures, you need a…

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Time Management Tips for Nurses

Ventilator Maintenance Checklist

If a loved one has developed a respiratory condition, you’re well aware of the helplessness and confusion that comes along with it. These feelings can quickly develop into despair if they suffer from complications that require artificial ventilation to help them breathe. But, what exactly is a ventilator? How does it work? And how can…

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ventilator maintenance checklist

LPN vs RN: What’s the Difference?

Choosing to work in healthcare is a noble and practical career path. You get to dedicate your life to helping people in need and develop skill sets that will always be in high demand. However, if you’re interested in nursing, you may be wondering about the differences between becoming a registered nurse (RN) and a licensed practical…

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LPN vs RN: What's the Difference?
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