
Home Health Care

“Elder Orphans”: Aging Without Family

We live in a society that applauds self-reliance which has taught us that we can do everything alone, but sometimes we can’t do everything alone. This is especially true when it comes to aging. Now more than ever, more people are aging alone. Perhaps they focused on their career and personal life and opted to…

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Elder Orphans: Aging Without Family

Spring Cleaning Tips for Seniors

Spring is finally here, and so is allergy season. Whether you are providing care for your elderly loved one, or (s)he is in the hands of a caregiver, it is important to take the proper precautions to avoid any allergy-related complications this spring. The following are a few pointers on how to reduce exposure to…

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Spring Cleaning Tips for Seniors

Caring for Seniors in the Third Stage of Parkinson’s Disease

Homecare Palm Beach FL-If you are a family caregiver for an elderly adult who has reached the third stage of Parkinson’s disease, it is likely that you have noticed a steady increase in the severity of their symptoms and the impact that these symptoms have had on their daily functioning.

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Caring for Seniors in the Third Stage of Parkinson’s Disease

Community-Acquired Pneumonia in Seniors

Pneumonia can be an extremely dangerous condition for an elderly adult. Seniors tend to have immune systems that are not as strong as those of younger people, which means that they are more likely to develop serious health conditions and experience severe complications associated with those conditions, and will have a more difficult time recovering…

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Community-Acquired Pneumonia in Older Adults

Caring for Seniors Undergoing Chemotherapy

Hearing “you have cancer” is one of those moments indelibly inked into your mind. Finding out your senior parent is facing this disease and the possible side effects that the treatment brings can be devastating. Many families are faced with the decision: Is the treatment worth the cure? Even a healthy person can be overcome…

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Caring for Seniors Undergoing Chemotherapy

How to Conserve Energy and Fight Fatigue in Seniors

In a recent study, 1 in 5 seniors reported having insufficient energy levels that negatively impact daily life. Individuals from the same study also reported nearly twice as many hospital admissions and in-home care services than those without constant feelings of fatigue. Fatigued seniors have difficulty performing even the simplest tasks (cooking, cleaning, laundry, etc.),…

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Ways to Conserve Energy and Fight Fatigue in Seniors

Urinary Incontinence in Adults: Causes, Treatment and More

Having to relieve ourselves is a basic need. Therefore, it always makes sense to be familiar with the location of the nearest restroom. However, for a person who suffers from Urinary Incontinence, being close to a lavatory is sometimes inconsequential. They may get the urge to “go”, but before they have time to get to…

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urinary incontinence in older adults

Crohn’s Disease: Symptoms, Treatment & More

There are few things that can put a damper on your day like digestive issues. Suddenly, the focus shifts from; “What are we doing today?” to; “Where is the nearest bathroom and how can I stay close to it all day?” The concern and discomfort increase when what originally started as a simple inconvenience is…

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Crohn's Disease

Crohn’s Disease Diet Plan

Living with Crohn’s Disease means constantly worrying about where the closest bathroom is. It’s wondering whether you’ll pay dearly for something you ate. It means gas pain. It also means wondering whether things you once enjoyed, like going out for a morning run, are a thing of the past. Is there anything you can do to…

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Crohn's Disease Diet Plan
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