
Home Care

Ways to Help Your Parent Remain Independent

Like a fingerprint or a snowflake, every person is unique. And yet there are similar veins that run through each and every one, so much so, they have defined personality types based on these similarities. One personality type that often ends up in the caregiving role is “The Fixer.” You see a problem and you…

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Ways to Help Your Parent Remain Independent

Alexa for Seniors

Once upon a time, we relied on old-fashioned items, such as rotary telephones or phone books to place a phone call or find a phone number. This was the norm for everyone, so we didn’t really think much about it. But when older family members developed ailments such as arthritis or impaired vision, simple tasks…

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Alexa for Seniors

Adapting Your Bathroom for Arthritis

Home Care Services Melbourne FL-Arthritis is one of the most common issues among elderly adults. This can not only be challenging to them physically, but it can also be emotionally stressful and upsetting.

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Adapting Your Bathroom for Arthritis

Tips for Aging in Place

“Home is where the heart is.” It is where we feel most comfortable; where our lives are anchored. In many cases, we have invested years creating a home environment that meets our own needs and tastes. For most of us, the older we get the more “home” becomes a dear friend. 8 Tips for Aging…

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Tips for Aging in Place

What Is Heat Stress?

Home Care Services Ormond Beach FL-“Heat stress” refers to the physical burden that is placed on the body when in a hot environment. This stress occurs because of the strain that the heat places on the heart and blood vessels, both of which are critical elements of the body’s natural cooling system.

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What Is Heat Stress

How to Reduce Stroke Risk

Elder Care Naples FL-Stroke is one of the most pressing risks that your aging parent faces during their later years. As their family caregiver, it is your responsibility to help your loved one do what they need to do to reduce their stroke risk and stay healthier as they age in place.

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How to Reduce Stroke Risk

Different Types of Arthritis

If you are an adult human living on Earth, chances are very high you have heard about arthritis. You know it is a condition in which joints swell up painfully and become inflamed, making it difficult to do every day things like open jars or even walk. You surely have heard someone say “My mom…

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Different Types of Arthritis

Tips for Building a Wheelchair Ramp for Your House

Senior Care Doral FL-As your parent gets older, mobility issues may make it difficult for them to get in and out of their home. This is especially true if there are steps leading to the door. When a senior is confined to a wheelchair, steps can make entering a house impossible.

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Tips for Building a Wheelchair Ramp

How to Talk to Your Parents About Needing a Hearing Aid

Experts estimate that there are approximately 48 million people throughout the United States living with hearing loss. Around 30 percent of senior adults over the age of 65 and 60 percent of senior adults over the age of 75 are living with hearing loss. As a family caregiver, this can seem like a staggering statistic,…

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Talking to Seniors About Getting a Hearing Aid
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