
Home Care

Hobbies for Seniors

When seniors get to the point where they are spending much of their day watching television and being cranky with the care assistants, it may be time for them to explore a new hobby. Seniors that are not as independent and mobile as they once were, now have a lot of free time on their hands…

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Hobbies for Seniors

Hospital Discharge Checklist

After a long stay in the hospital, nothing is sweeter than the smell of home. Unfortunately, we’re not always prepared for the duties that lie ahead – transportation to follow-up appointments, prescription pick-ups, use of medical equipment, nutritious meal planning, and even simple tasks like personal grooming and exercise. The Comprehensive Hospital Discharge Checklist To…

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Hospital Discharge Checklist

What Causes Falls in the Elderly?

Falling is a tremendous source of injuries for elderly loved ones. There are quite a few different reasons why your loved one might fall, but it’s likely their situation is complicated by experiencing more than one of these factors. 5 Fall Risk Factors in the Elderly To help your loved one avoid falls, it helps…

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What Causes Falls in the Elderly

Air Travel Tips for Seniors

Whether you’re traveling abroad or here in the United States, there are plenty of factors to consider when traveling with seniors this summer. Everything from climate change to crossing time zone boundaries can make travel difficult for seniors; therefore, we have compiled a brief list of items to consider when planning your next vacation. Booking…

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Senior Air Travel Tips

Rainy Day Activities for Seniors

Rainy weather creates gloomy moods when it comes day after day. Your parent is retired and tired of being stuck inside. You want to get them out of the house, but it’s raining again. The Top 5 Rainy Day Activities for Seniors Here are some rainy day activities that help you avoid feeling cooped up….

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Rainy Day Activities for Seniors

How to Prevent Falls in Aging Parents at Home

Whether you just started on your caregiver journey with an elderly parent or you have been caring for them for some time, one of the risks you have likely heard a considerable amount about is fall risk. Each year millions of adults over the age of 65 suffer a fall, and many end up sustaining…

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How to Prevent Falls at Home

Arthritis Tools for Seniors

Home Care Services Naples FL-If your elderly loved one is battling arthritis, finding the right assistive devices can do so much for her. Try a few of these ideas to see if they work properly for her needs.

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Arthritis Tools for Seniors

How to Naturally Help Seniors Drive Less

Senior Care Vero Beach FL-If your loved one is not keen on the idea of giving up driving when he really needs to, you may have to find ways to organically reduce his need to drive. Some of these ideas might help.

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How to Naturally Help Seniors Drive Less
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