
Home Care

How to Prepare Seniors for Hip Replacement Surgery

Elderly Care Vero Beach FL-If your elderly parent is getting ready to undergo hip replacement surgery, it is important that they properly prepare themselves. This means both their mind and their body. Proper preparations will ensure that their body is strong enough to undergo the surgery and then to make the most of recovery so that they can glean the maximum benefit from the procedure.

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How to Prepare Seniors for Hip Replacement Surgery

How to Tell If It’s Time for Your Parent to Stop Driving

One of the most difficult decisions you’ll make is taking away your parent’s keys. Sometimes, you’ll have a doctor saying it’s safer and needs to be done. You may have to take their keys away because they crashed into something due to slowed reaction times. You may be on the fence. If this is the…

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How to Tell If It's Time for Your Parent to Stop Driving

Information to Share with Your Parent’s Caregiver

Hiring an elder care provider for your aging loved ones is one of the best ways you can ensure they get the level of care and assistance they need in order to live the quality of life they deserve, especially if you are unable to be with them as much as you would like. This…

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Information to Share with Your Parent's Home Care Provider

How to Make the Most of Caregiver Support Groups

If you are like most family caregivers, stress is simply going to be a reality of your care journey with your aging loved ones. Studies have shown that adult children who take on the responsibility of caring for their senior parents are far more likely to not only experience higher levels of stress than adults…

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How to Make the Most of Caregiver Support Groups

What to Consider Before an Aging Parent Moves In

There may come a time when your parent’s condition makes it difficult to live alone. Assisted living and nursing facilities may be too expensive for families, making live-in care a viable option. Inviting your parent to live in your home may seem like the best solution; however, it’s a big lifestyle change and there are…

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What to Consider Before an Aging Parent Moves In

Sharing Caregiving Responsibilities with Siblings

Home Care Delray Beach FL-Dividing responsibilities amongst more than one caregiver can help everyone to feel involved in the home care process and also helps to ensure that your loved one’s needs are met. Tackling this task systematically can help make sure that you don’t inadvertently skip anything important.

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Sharing Caregiving Responsibilities with Siblings

What to Do When Elderly Parents Refuse Help

Unfortunately, not all seniors are receptive to the idea of receiving care and may refuse to accept any care efforts. This can be frustrating, but you should not let it dissuade you from doing what is best for your parents. Instead, you should find ways to work through the refusal and get the elderly care…

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When Elderly Parents Refuse Help

Home Care for Seniors After a Heart Attack

Home Care Palm Beach FL-A heart attack can happen very suddenly and with very little warning, but the aftermath can be long and arduous. How you help your parent manage this recovery can make a tremendous difference in how well they handle their recovery, manage the impact of the attack, and prepare themselves to reduce the chances that they will experience another heart attack during their later years.

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Home Care for Seniors After a Heart Attack

The Reasons Behind Elderly Hoarding

Nearly five percent of the world’s population exhibits signs of clinical hoarding, engaging in compulsive purchasing, acquiring, and saving of items that have little or no value to individuals. For many seniors, these items clutter living spaces over time, posing many threats to their overall safety and well-being (increasing the risk of falls, fire, and…

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The Reasons Behind Elderly Hoarding
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