
Home Care

Hydrocephalus: Causes, Symptoms, and Treatment

Finding out that a loved one has been diagnosed with a serious medical condition is overwhelming and life-changing. All of a sudden, the only things that matter are finding out information about the illness, and what you can do to treat it — while keeping your loved one as comfortable as possible. It can feel…

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Fun Family Activities at Home

If there is something the entire world has learned in 2020, it is the importance of finding ways to entertain the family at home. And while the concept comes in handy during a pandemic, it’s also a good practice to have regardless of circumstances. It fosters family time, is a good way to create fond…

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Fun Family Activities at Home

Born To Be a Nurse

Iris Ten is a nurse and home health caregiver of 8-year-old J.G. They met in May 2019, when J.G.’s mom looked for someone to help her take care of her son, who has muscular dystrophy, is non-verbal, and has a tracheostomy. J.G. is homeschooled and his mom stays at home with him all day to…

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Iris Ten, Sonas Nurse

Pediatric Vasculitis

Receiving a medical diagnosis for a serious health condition can feel frightening and overwhelming. The feelings are multiplied when the person with the disease is your child. What does it all mean? How did it happen? What does treatment entail? All these questions rush through your mind as you try to accept this new reality…

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Pediatric Vasculitis

Caring for a Child after a Liver Transplant

Finding out your child needs an organ transplant can make you feel overwhelmed, anxious, and helpless. But, between the moment a donor has been found through surgery, things may seem to happen too fast to stop and really think about them. It’s once you’re ready to go home that this new reality sinks in. What…

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Caring for a Child after a Liver Transplant

Caring for a Child After a Kidney Transplant

Having a child who needs to undergo surgery is an overwhelming — and often heartbreaking — experience. You want to do everything under the sun to protect your little one. Make them comfortable, ensure their health, and provide the best care possible. So, once they come out of that operating room, you want to know…

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Caring for a Child After a Kidney Transplant

Cystic Fibrosis Diet & Nutrition Guide

Finding out you’ve been diagnosed with a life-altering health condition comes with shock — as well as with a long list of emotions, such as fear, anxiety, and worrying about how this is going to impact your life. Feelings are heightened when the illness affects vital organs — such as your lungs and digestive system…

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Cystic Fibrosis Diet & Nutrition Guide

Hypoxemia: Low Blood Oxygen

Serious medical diagnoses always come with a long list of worries — what do all the medical terms mean? What caused the illness in the first place? What will this affect your life? Is there anything you can do to make things better? Such is the case when patients first hear of the term hypoxemia. Other than…

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Hypoxemia Low Blood Oxygen

Caring for a Child with Duchenne’s Muscular Dystrophy

One of the most unfair things about life is receiving a dire medical diagnosis for a child. It’s heartbreaking at any age, but it feels almost sinister when it relates to someone who’s just starting their life. And if the diagnosis is for a lesser-known condition, you’re left with a million questions. What does Duchenne’s…

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Caring for a Child with Duchenne’s Muscular Dystrophy

Caring for a Child with Sickle Cell Anemia

Your child is your everything. The reason you work longer hours — or the reason you stay at home more often. The reason you look for ways to improve your home life, plan fun games, and make time for bedtime stories. So if they’re diagnosed with an illness, you can feel like your world is…

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Caring for a Child with Sickle Cell Anemia
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