
Home Care

Chronic Respiratory Failure

Respiratory failure describes a state where the respiratory system is unable to either remove carbon dioxide from the bloodstream or exchange oxygen into it. This leads to an imbalance of the oxygen levels in the blood, which can have serious effects on your health and ability to function. Respiratory failure can be both chronic and…

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Chronic Respiratory Failure

Ventilator Maintenance Checklist

If a loved one has developed a respiratory condition, you’re well aware of the helplessness and confusion that comes along with it. These feelings can quickly develop into despair if they suffer from complications that require artificial ventilation to help them breathe. But, what exactly is a ventilator? How does it work? And how can…

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ventilator maintenance checklist

5 St. Patrick’s Day Crafts for Kids

Keeping your kids entertained can sometimes feel like a challenge. They may want to go play outside when the weather is not ideal, or have their friends come over during times of COVID. And while saying no may feel like a practical decision, that doesn’t change the fact that children need to be able to do engaging…

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5 St. Patrick’s Day Crafts for Kids

How to Help Children Use a Wheelchair

Your child is your world. You want to do everything to make their life as happy as possible. So if they’ve been diagnosed with a debilitating condition — or if they’ve been involved in an accident — and now require a wheelchair, you may be wondering what can you do to help them. What can you…

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How to Help Children Use a Wheelchair

Finding Light in Dark Places

Fanio Osorio has been working in healthcare for more than 30 years — 20 of them as an LPN. “When I first started in this line of work, I worked closely with a nurse, and I decided to go to school so that I could learn skills that would allow me to help people even…

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Finding Light in Dark Places

A Miracle Recovery With a Purpose

While this photo was taken during COVID-19, safety guidelines were followed in adherence to CDC guidelines. On July 20, 2000, Kimberlee Brinson was driving, with her 10-month-old baby, C.B., safely secured in his car seat. However, they were involved in a catastrophic accident that caused C.B.’s brain to twist on the brain stem — leaving…

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a miracle recovery with a purpose

7 Fun Activities for the Visually Impaired

If you’re taking care of a visually impaired loved one, you may be wondering about the types of activities you can do. You want to ensure you choose something that’s enjoyable and that doesn’t place focus on the fact that your loved one has little to no vision. Fortunately, there are plenty of activities that…

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Fun Activities for the Visually Impaired

Pediatric Tonsillitis

If your child has been complaining lately about discomfort in their mouth — or being fussier than usual — you may be concerned about its root cause. In fact, anything that causes them to experience pain can become a cause for alarm when it becomes consistent, and you can’t figure out what it is. Such…

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Pediatric Tonsillitis

Can G-Tubes Be Removed?

Gastronomy tubes (also known as g-tubes) are necessary for both adult and pediatric patients who can’t consume nutrients or hydration on their own due to a health condition. The families of such patients deal with the emotional load that comes with becoming acquainted with new medical terms, getting ready for the g-tube procedure on their loved…

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Can G-Tubes Be Removed?

Exercises for Children With Limited Mobility

If your child’s health or life circumstances prevent them from having full mobility, you may be wondering how to encourage as active a lifestyle as possible. After all, regular exercise promotes good cardiovascular health as well as allows children to interact with peers as they play or do other fun activities. But is it really…

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Exercises for Children With Limited Mobility
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