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LPN vs RN: What’s the Difference?

Choosing to work in healthcare is a noble and practical career path. You get to dedicate your life to helping people in need and develop skill sets that will always be in high demand. However, if you’re interested in nursing, you may be wondering about the differences between becoming a registered nurse (RN) and a licensed practical…

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LPN vs RN: What's the Difference?

What is a CNA?

When it comes to choosing a career path, healthcare always seems like a practical choice. After all, it’s an industry that will always be in demand, no matter where in the world you are. However, not everyone has the desire, resources, or the time to become a doctor — which can make nursing a more…

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What is a CNA?

What is an LPN?

Healthcare careers tend to be a sound investment. At the end of the day, they require highly marketable skills that are always in high demand. No matter where in the state or the country you live, people will always need healthcare professionals. But with so many different options, how do you know which one would be best…

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What is an LPN?

What is a Registered Nurse (RN)?

When it comes to healthcare professions, it can feel confusing to make sense of the long list of acronyms — RN, LPN, APRN, and NP. While careers in healthcare are always in high demand, they all require different training and provide different skill sets. So if you’re interested in any of them, it’s advisable to…

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What is a Registered Nurse (RN)?

Is a Career in Home Health Care Right for You?

There are many things to consider when it comes to choosing or shifting a career. While it’s common to just pick something by default, true fulfillment comes from opting for a path that gives you a sense of purpose. Getting out of bed every day to make a positive impact in people’s lives is present…

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