
Companion Care

Is a Career in Home Health Care Right for You?

There are many things to consider when it comes to choosing or shifting a career. While it’s common to just pick something by default, true fulfillment comes from opting for a path that gives you a sense of purpose. Getting out of bed every day to make a positive impact in people’s lives is present…

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What is a Pulse Oximeter?

When a loved one has been diagnosed with a serious medical condition, you have to take some time to process the information — deal with the shock and assimilate how it’s going to change your life and the life of your loved one. In addition, you have to become familiarized with an entirely new vocabulary. This…

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What is a Pulse Oximeter?

Fun Activities for Children with Limited Mobility

Having a child at home means being hyper-vigilant around the clock. You want to make sure that they’re bathed, fed, and safe. You want to ensure their wellbeing, and that they feel loved. And, if you have a child with limited mobility, you want them to feel like they have as normal a childhood as…

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8 Fun Activities for Children with Limited Mobility

How to Overcome Senior Loneliness and Isolation

As a family caregiver on a senior care journey with your elderly loved ones, you likely already know that loneliness is something that many aging adults face. According to research by the University of Chicago, this loneliness not only has a serious impact on mental and emotional health of elderly adults, but it can also…

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How to Overcome Senior Loneliness and Isolation

What’s the Difference Between Companion Care and Personal Care?

Many people use the terms companion care and personal care interchangeably, but they’re not exactly the same. They’re both home care services, but one may be a better fit than the other depending on what you and your loved one need. What Is Companion Care? One of our basic needs as humans is social interaction…

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What’s the Difference Between Companion Care and Personal Care

Why Is Fiber Important in a Senior’s Diet?

Fact or fiction: All fiber is created equal? The answer is fiction. There are two types of dietary fiber, each with a different (and crucial) function in the body. Because fiber is an essential part of a senior’s diet, one of the biggest concerns a family caregiver has is whether a loved one is receiving…

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Why Is Fiber Important in a Senior's Diet

Finding the Right Senior Travel Companion

Among the many lifestyle changes we endure with age is our ability to travel. As we age, travel becomes more difficult and less spontaneous, having to take into consideration the logistics of travel, our health, comfort, and security. By no means should you or a loved one be required to compromise the love and desire…

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Finding the Right Senior Travel Companion

Anxiety and Depression in Older Adults

Senior Care Fort Lauderdale FL-Now that scientists know the flaw in their research, they know that anxiety is just as common in senior citizens as it is in people of other age groups. This is vital information, because this knowledge can not only be used to help seniors feel better, but it can also make speaking about their anxious or depressed feelings feel less taboo.

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Anxiety and Depression in Older Adults

Mind Stimulating Activities & Cognitive Games for Seniors

Just as physical exercise strengthens and trains our bodies, cognitive training and exercise stimulates the brain, helping it grow and develop new connections as we age. The more we challenge the mind (through various forms of mental exercise), the better it is at processing information. As family caregivers, we want to be sure our loved…

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Mind Stimulating Activities & Cognitive Games for Seniors