

Pulmonary Stenosis in Children

It’s always disheartening to hear a medical diagnosis affecting a child. And the concern and worry increase when the condition affects a vital organ — such as is the case with pulmonary stenosis. But, what does it all mean? What causes it? What are the symptoms? All of these questions need to be answered before…

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Pulmonary Stenosis in Children

Edward’s Syndrome (Trisomy 18)

One of the worst news a parent can receive is that their child has been diagnosed with a serious medical condition. You need time to assimilate the information, deal with the overwhelming sense of worry, and try to figure out the best way to move forward. Such is the case with Edward’s syndrome. Not only…

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Edward's Syndrome (Trisomy 18)

Can G-Tubes Be Removed?

Gastronomy tubes (also known as g-tubes) are necessary for both adult and pediatric patients who can’t consume nutrients or hydration on their own due to a health condition. The families of such patients deal with the emotional load that comes with becoming acquainted with new medical terms, getting ready for the g-tube procedure on their loved…

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Can G-Tubes Be Removed?

Is a Career in Home Health Care Right for You?

There are many things to consider when it comes to choosing or shifting a career. While it’s common to just pick something by default, true fulfillment comes from opting for a path that gives you a sense of purpose. Getting out of bed every day to make a positive impact in people’s lives is present…

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From Micro Preemie to Disney Fan

A.K. is a fun-loving little girl who loves music. She could spend the entire day listening to the Frozen and Moana soundtracks, as well as nursery rhymes. At almost four years of age, she’s also very perceptive. Even though she has four nurses as home caregivers and loves all of them, she’s well-aware that she…

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From Micro Preemie to Disney Fan

What is a Pulse Oximeter?

When a loved one has been diagnosed with a serious medical condition, you have to take some time to process the information — deal with the shock and assimilate how it’s going to change your life and the life of your loved one. In addition, you have to become familiarized with an entirely new vocabulary. This…

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What is a Pulse Oximeter?

Fun Activities for Children with Limited Mobility

Having a child at home means being hyper-vigilant around the clock. You want to make sure that they’re bathed, fed, and safe. You want to ensure their wellbeing, and that they feel loved. And, if you have a child with limited mobility, you want them to feel like they have as normal a childhood as…

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8 Fun Activities for Children with Limited Mobility

Caregiver Stress Management

As a caregiver, you’re responsible for taking care of loved ones, answering questions, and juggling tasks while remaining put together and positive. It’s a lot to handle, and sometimes the stress of the day can be overwhelming — especially amidst a global pandemic like COVID-19. You know that stress can be detrimental to your health,…

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Caregiver Stress Management

Born To Be a Nurse

Iris Ten is a nurse and home health caregiver of 8-year-old J.G. They met in May 2019, when J.G.’s mom looked for someone to help her take care of her son, who has muscular dystrophy, is non-verbal, and has a tracheostomy. J.G. is homeschooled and his mom stays at home with him all day to…

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Iris Ten, Sonas Nurse

Pediatric Vasculitis

Receiving a medical diagnosis for a serious health condition can feel frightening and overwhelming. The feelings are multiplied when the person with the disease is your child. What does it all mean? How did it happen? What does treatment entail? All these questions rush through your mind as you try to accept this new reality…

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Pediatric Vasculitis
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