
Alzheimer’s and Dementia Care

How to Help Children Understand Alzheimer’s Disease

An Alzheimer’s diagnosis is devastating for families, and as a parent, you may find it difficult to discuss the effects the disease has on the mind and body, especially with young children and teenagers. To help children learn about and cope with the realities of this disease, it is best for parents and caregivers to…

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How to Help Children Understand Alzheimer's Disease

Age-Related Memory Loss May Not Be Alzheimer’s

Are you concerned about your memory? Do you write out a shopping list and then forget to take the list to the store with you? Do you forget where you parked your car? Do you forget what you went into the garage to get? This type of forgetfulness can happen at any age for many…

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Age-Related Memory Loss May Not Be Alzheimer’s

Signs of Dementia to Look for During the Holidays

If you are a distance caregiver, you may not have the opportunity to spend as much time with your aging loved ones as you would like to, which might put you in the position of missing subtle signs that they may be experiencing more than just the occasional memory slip or stumble in their home….

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Signs of Dementia to Look for During the Holidays

Alzheimer’s Communication Tips for Caregivers

How can you help your loved one if they can’t tell you what they need? One of the many heartbreaking issues that crop up when Alzheimer’s starts to develop is the beginning of a deterioration in their communication skills. Alzheimer’s patients have trouble communicating because they simply start to forget how. It is essential to…

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Alzheimer’s Communication Tips for Caregivers

Safety Devices for Seniors Who Wander

Home Care Services Ormond Beach FL-If you have an elderly loved one who tends to wander, you probably know that deep fear that pops up when you can’t find your loved one in the house. Some of these safety devices might help you to have a little more peace of mind.

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Safety Devices for Seniors Who Wander

The 3 Stages of Alzheimer’s Disease

Nobody wants to hear the news of a bad diagnosis. But among all of the distressing illnesses a person could experience, there is something particularly heartbreaking about Alzheimer’s Disease. Watching a loved one slowly deteriorate and forget beautiful memories (or even forget who you are) comes with a 24/7 percolating sadness as caregivers and family…

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Stages of Alzheimer’s Disease

Vitamin D Deficiency and Memory Loss

A surprising statistic shows that only one-third of Americans are getting enough vitamin D – yes, even those living in the Sunshine State of Florida. What else may surprise you is that researchers have found a link between vitamin D deficiency and the development of dementia. Learn what they’ve found and ways to keep vitamin…

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Link Between Vitamin D Deficiency and Dementia

Sleep Tips for Seniors with Sundowners

Being on a home care journey with an elderly loved one who has been diagnosed with Alzheimer’s disease or another form of dementia is challenging, but if that senior also deals with Sundowners, the situation can be even more stressful and difficult. What Is Sundowners Syndrome in the Elderly? Sundowners syndrome, or sundowning, is a…

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Sleep Tips for Seniors with Sundowners
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