
Alzheimer’s and Dementia Care

How to Create an Alzheimer’s Fidget Bag

Being on a home care journey with seniors with Alzheimer’s disease poses challenges and considerations outside of the usual ones of caring for elderly adults, but that does not mean that you cannot enjoy an active, engaged, and fulfilling experience with your aging loved ones even as they progress through the disease. One of the…

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How to Create an Alzheimer's Fidget Bag

Lewy Body Dementia

Having a family member diagnosed with dementia can be one of the worst days of a person’s life. Whereas a loved one was once full of life, energy, and vitality, now they are experiencing memory loss that interferes with their daily life as well as with their personality. That said, not all types of dementia…

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What is Lewy Body Dementia

Multigenerational Caregiver

Caregivers in Naples FL: Multigenerational care is all about integrating both your children and your aging parent into the care experiences of the other

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Multigenerational Caregiver

Senior Mental Health

According to the National Association of Chronic Disease Directors, 20 percent of people in the U.S. age 65 or older have a mental health concern. These concerns can range from anxiety to depression or dementia. Catching these in their initial stages is crucial to limiting their long-term effects. Those who operate as primary family caregivers…

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Senior Mental Health

Caring for Seniors with Parkinson’s Disease

Elder Care Tampa FL-One set of challenges that your elder parent will face on their journey with PD is difficulties fulfilling their activities of daily living. These are the basic tasks that everyone must complete to live a functioning lifestyle.

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Caring for Seniors with Parkinson's Disease

Validation Therapy for Seniors with Dementia

If your senior loved one has dementia, you’re eventually looking for all of the tools that you can find in order to help you make life as easy as possible for your loved one. One tool you might be especially interested in is called validation therapy. What Is Validation Therapy? Validation therapy isn’t as complicated…

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Validation Therapy for Seniors with Dementia

How to Prevent Alzheimer’s Wandering

Caregivers in Marco Island Florida: Six out of ten people with dementia will wander. While there is no way to completely stop them from straying, there are several things that can be done to keep them safe.

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How to Prevent Alzheimers Wandering

Alzheimer’s: Affecting Women More Than Men

Over time, we’ve come to find that women are often impacted by Alzheimer’s on a much larger scale than men. In fact, research shows that women currently represent the majority of individuals both living with Alzheimer’s and providing care for Alzheimer’s patients. Take a look at some potential reasons why Alzheimer’s is more prevalent among…

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Alzheimer's Affecting Women More Than Men

Early Signs of Parkinson’s Disease

One of the worst feelings a person can experience is the one that comes when they hear about a dire diagnosis of a loved one’s health. It’s overwhelming and leaves you feeling helpless. It also comes with so many questions: What does this mean? Could I have done anything to prevent it? Is he/she going…

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Early Warning Signs of Parkinson's Disease

The 7 Stages of Dementia

Caring for a loved one with dementia is one of the hardest things to do. The challenges and demands that the disease presents go far beyond what it takes to care for a senior without the condition. One of the best ways you can care for your loved one living with dementia is to understand…

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The Seven Stages of Dementia
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